In Welsh mythology, Blodeuwedd was a maiden created out of flowers. I received this vibrant green yarn (its some Rowan magpie tweed) flecked with jewel bright colours as part of a swap and it evokes for me that idea of a flowery, grassy meadow. The open topped slightly organic shaped headdress allows space for far more hair than usually looks good under such a fitted hat. The enclosed neckpiece gives an effect that reminds me very slightly of a medieval wimple, and seems just right for a cool spring morning walk.
I'm pleased with how this came out, very much a case of me making it up as I went along and the neck got rippedout and reworked before I was happy with the fit, but I like it now:)
This pattern is available as a downloadable pdf, I *think*it reads ok, but please do let me know if you find any errors.
thank you for posting this pattern. i have never seen a hat like this before. it is beautiful!